Thx for the BTT Amo!
That video from WakeUpWitness makes it very simple and clear that the WTBS needs to misquote someone to prove their point.
When you have "the truth," there is no need to change "the truth."
think this may help all new members here and any lurkers in the back ground,who may be struggeling with the conscience.
i'am not a jw but when i came across this short vid my jaw was on the floor.
how can some body get away with such blatant lies and deception was beond me at the time, now i know differently.
Thx for the BTT Amo!
That video from WakeUpWitness makes it very simple and clear that the WTBS needs to misquote someone to prove their point.
When you have "the truth," there is no need to change "the truth."
when the elders invite someone to a judicial committee does the person under scrutiny have the right to ask beforehand what evidence will be adduced against him and what witnesses will be called?
in other words is there pre-trial disclosure within the watchtower's quasi legal process?
Never, ever, ever go to an "judicial committee meeting" or any other "investigative committee".... period.
It's 3 (or you may as well say "the whole world") against you.
They will do what they have decided to do ahead of time to you.
Do not give them the power.
We have personally experienced pre-meditated lying.
You will end up with post traumatic stress.
Skip the bad nightmares that will haunt you for years.
It is just a formality, so that they can say "we tried, they are brazen, we are righteous."
Witness my Fury, I like your idea... WARN .... "Watchtower Abuse Recovery Network"
It sounds positive. People who are hurt & confused & mad need a positive message in their head.
Plus, if they happened to type in "Watchtower" to Google, they'd be likely to find it.
as most suspected, the wts filed their brief, at least it looks that way.....
it also notes aob in excess of word count limit.. wonder if they did that to buy more time?.
I have read parts of the Conti case appeal by McCabe, and am also left to wonder:
Does the Org act as if the "know not," just so they can delay & appeal and hit with their wilier & bigger gunslater?
Sounds like a good lawyer tactic.
P.S. After looking at the case in San Diego
**of which McCabe was a part of
** where a boy was abused (the abuser had been a pioneer, MS, & elder.. see details in link below)
**the mom, Manuela Dorman, was basically threatened w/blackmail if she were to pursue it...
** “I also called Roberto Rivera, Johnny River’as father. I told him about my son’s abuse and that John had told me that Brother Rivera’s son, Johnny, had also been abused. Roberto told me he would call me back after he had spoken to his son, Johnny, and the church Elders. Roberto called me back and told me that the Elders said I should not take any further action or call anyone else in the congregation about what had happened, or an affair that I had when I was attending the Linda Vista Congregation would be made public in the congregation. I told Roberto that I did not care, and that I would continue to push the issue.
** and the case was settled "out of court" with a gag order (you can still read the depositions, I believe)
Pge 104 of this link, but page 6 of Manuela Dorman's deposition, line 12 - 19's_Ntc_of_Lodgment_in_Support_of_Opp_to_Mtns_for_Summary_Judgment_12-16-11.pdf
Can an attorney use quotes from these depositions in another case?
Can he even refer to these depositions if there is a gag order????
Also, let's say there was someone that was depositioned, but not awarded any money.
Does the gag order apply to them? Can the Society or Court prevent them from saying anything or testifying in another case?
"few experiences hurt more than learnig that someone you trust has lied to you.".
"you might feel humiliated, angry, or even betrayed.".
"imagine then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about god.".
(oops... "ruderedhead"... sorry about the mis-spell )
"few experiences hurt more than learnig that someone you trust has lied to you.".
"you might feel humiliated, angry, or even betrayed.".
"imagine then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about god.".
Right on! Rudderhead! "New Light" What a "get out of jail free card", huh? Wish I could get one of those!
Heaven: So funny re: the $$$! You do know why I have this name, right? When I saw the lie about 607 (Yep, Londo, I love that "lie wll set you free" article re: 607! Set me free alright!) I told my husband I was going to start sending post cards to the "Society"...
Post cards, because they are "short, sweet, & to the point..." and no on has to open them to see them...
My first one was going to be "Cha Ching, Cha Ching, you ain't gettin' no more of my Bling!!!"
Londo111: I have enjoyed your posts, along w/Blondie, AnnOMaly and so many more about 607! Quite alot of hard work organized so well. thx
"few experiences hurt more than learnig that someone you trust has lied to you.".
"you might feel humiliated, angry, or even betrayed.".
"imagine then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about god.".
"Few experiences hurt more than learnig that someone you trust has lied to you."
"You might feel humiliated, angry, or even betrayed."
"Imagine then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about God."
.... "I felt the church had betrayed me." --DEANNE.
.... "I was angry. I felt that I had been tricked --that my hopes and goals turned out to be futile." --LUIS
"What you know may have come from someone whom you trust and who would never intentionally hurt you-- your parents, a priest, a pastor or a close friend."
"You may have believed a certain teaching all your life...."
"But would you not agree that even a widely held idea can be false?" (Be honest here, please)
"Former U.S. President Freanklin D. roosevelt recognized this fact, for he said:
"Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth"
"How can you determinewhether youhave been lied to?"
"Jesus once said to God in prayer: "Your word is truth." (John 17:17)
"Yes, God's Word, the Bible,contains what we need in order to distinguish the truth from lies."
These quotes are from our favorite source, the WT.... October 1, 2011 ... all on the same page... page 3
Title of the article? "Have You Been Lied To?"
Yes, that is how we feel, WT, "Humiliated, angry and betrayed."
Dear Crazy,
I am so sorry for you.
When I asked questions of friends, they all looked at me like a deer in the headlights, and started shaking, said I should talk to the elders for answers... I was surprised, and said "oh, I need to do some research to "build myself up."
Never go to another "elder's meeting." They have the power, you don't.
I had Post Traumatic Stress from one that I went to, and that was about a brother stealing from me, not doctrine. They lied to me.
There is no logical reasoning.
Even if you have the WT publications to "back you up," even if "you are right," it doesn't matter.
Follow everyone else's advice, go slow, fade, don't say much, do not write letters to anyone, show your wife love. Ask questions of your kids (later, later, later). Fade.
Just say "I love Jehovah."
So sorry.
where did the pharisees come from?. emerged as a distinct group shortly after the maccabaean revolt, around 165160 bc as a party of laymen and scribes in contradistinction to the: .
?ti?n 'ha?d?g?
Does this remind you of the GB?
The folk etymology places the origin (Greek: hermeneutike) with Hermes , the mythological Greek deity whose role is that of messenger of the Gods. [3]
Besides being mediator between the gods themselves, and between the gods and humanity, he leads souls to the underworld upon death.
He is also considered the inventor of language and speech, an interpreter, a liar, a thief and a trickster. [3] These multiple roles make Hermes an ideal representative figure for hermeneutics.
where did the pharisees come from?. emerged as a distinct group shortly after the maccabaean revolt, around 165160 bc as a party of laymen and scribes in contradistinction to the: .
?ti?n 'ha?d?g?
oops, sorry, I guess I can't copy/ paste from my notepad.
I'll try again:
Where did the Pharisees come from?
The Pharisees emerged as a distinct group... around 165 - 160 BC... a party of laymen and scribes in contradistinction to the:
The Sadducces, the party of the high priesthood.... they refused to accept any precept as binding unless it was based directly on the Tora, i.e., the Written Law
The Pharisees, on the other hand, believedthat the Law that God gave to Moses was twofold., consisting of the writtenLaw, and the Oral Law, i.e. the teachings of hte prophets and the oraltraditions of the Jewish people.
Pharisees harmonized the teachings of the Torah with their own ideas or found their own ideas suggessted or impled in it.
They interpreted the Law according to it's spirit; when in the course of time a law had been outgrown, or superseded by changing conditions, they gave it a new and more acceptable meaning, seeking scriptural support for their actions through a ramified system of hermeneutics.
It was due to this progressive tendency of the Pharisees that their interpretation of the torah continued to develop, and has remained a living force in Judaism.
Hermeneutics: broadly, is the art of text interpretation (wikipedia)
Who is associated dwith Hermeneutics? Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, known for his existential thinking.
So, here we go:
Pharisee: harmonizes his teachings to fit their own ideas.
They used "hermeneutics"
That's like the existentialist: Heidegger
1874 wasn't Armageddon, that didn't work... oh, that was his "invisible presence"
Let's make 1914 Armageddon now.
That didn't work out, let's make 1914 his "invisible presence"
Woe! let's make a generation that has to 15 years of age in 1914 to be a part of the whole thing...
Wait! Now they just have to be born in 1914!
Ohhh!!! We get it now!... It's OVERLAPPING generations...
Do you wonder why you feel like the WTBTS is a bunch of Pharisees?
"Progressige Tendency" Past truth present truth brighter light..
"They gave it a new and more acceptable meaning, seeking scriptural support for their actions thru a ramified system of hermeneutics"
(Whew! had to re-type the whole thing! If anyone can delete my post above... please do, thx)